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Miriam Platt Ministry

January 1st, 2014

Dear Rabbi, Spiritual Leader, Teacher, Editor, and Business Person,

     It has taken several months to gather my thoughts and prepare this letter; so if it is alright, may I ask you to bear with me please, and give me a few moments of your time?

     It seems to me that ever since 9/11, the events and catastrophes that we have witnessed have become much more frequent and more devastating.  But instead of taking this to heart, the world as a whole has been behaving like ants; for we scurry to bury our dead, we mend, and then we carry on.  Nothing has improved and everything seems to keep getting worse.  How many more people must die, homes destroyed, and land forsaken; before we begin to take these events to heart?  How much more must humanity suffer, before we begin to collectively work together, to repent?  For instead of giving God the glory he deserves and fearing him; we consider these events as “natural disasters.”  And yet, in the Word of God, when the LORD sent a prophet among his people; he took the credit for the sickness, disasters, and destructions that took place.  The LORD has been screaming at us to repent!  But instead of repenting, we keep following the teachings, traditions, and the ideals of teachers who have been misled, by former teachers who were misled, and each generation has become worse than the one before; until we have become entrenched in sin.  Our senses have become dull and our hearts have become too hard; because we have all been guilty of violating the Laws of Moses or worse―rejecting the Word of God altogether.  Today, there is not a single person who is obeying the Ten commandments.  For example:  Idolatry.  How many images do you have in your home, businesses, place of worship, and community that are considered unlawful in the Word of God?  How many televisions do you own?  When was the last time anyone has actually obeyed the Sabbath day, according to the laws of the Sabbath?  (As long as we continue to observe the Gregorian calendar and reject the New Moon, to mark the beginning of each month―no one is)  And yet, we all know what serious affronts these are to the LORD.  Not to mention the immoral, corrupt behavior of humanity, as a whole today.  

     I’ve said enough about what is wrong, now; I’d like to make some suggestions to try to right the wrong.

First:  I believe that it is time to question the teachings of the past and re-examine the Word of God and to obey it.

Second:  It is time to purge our homes, our businesses, places of worship, and the community of all of that which is wrong and begin to obey the Sabbath Day, and to pay our tithes faithfully.

Third:  To encourage the local government and business leaders to do the same.  To alter their work habits and to close on the true Sabbath day, so that their employees can observe it as well.

Fourth:  To fear God and truly try to do that which is right according to the Word of God.  To care about and treat one another better than we have in the past.  To forgive each other and stop judging one another; for we have all been guilty of offending the LORD much more.

Fifth:  I also believe that it would be in our best interest to fast like the people of Nineveh did, when Jonah went to preach to them, to repent.

     When should we begin?  If we start now to communicate and organize this with one another, we could begin this Passover, at the time of the new year.  I believe that we should fast before Passover begins and break the fast at sundown, on the first evening.

     Thank you for giving me your time.  I have attached a copy of the calendar for this year, so that you may see the actual dates that ought to be observed, according to the Word of God.  If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know.

Sincerely―With Love,


Miriam Platt Ministry

2812 NW 57th Street, Suite 104

Oklahoma City, OK 73112

(405) 305-1276