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Miriam Platt Ministry

July 1, 2015

Dear Sir or Madame,

As a member of the community in Oklahoma City; an insurance agent of an independent company that is licensed in the state of Oklahoma and Texas and has served a multitude of people, who have endured catastrophic losses year after year; and as a minister, who has studied the Word of God and humanities passionately, for the past twenty five years:  I beg for few minutes of your time.  If you care at all about yourself, your household, and the community in which you live, this cannot be too much to ask.  If you believe in the Lord and care about the Lord and humanity, then please give me just a few more minutes of your time.

For a long time now, I have known through my studies that the day that the Lord came to be among us, as a baby in Bethlehem, was in the fall; however, from the time I learned this, year after year, I prayed to the Lord that I might know when.  My heart was originally quite sad when I realized that December 25th was not correct.  And, as each year passed, and I witnesses the pagan practices of the holiday season, I become more and more concerned.  Year after year passed and I urged him when, when did you come to be among us?  Finally, one day, he disclosed to me:   *On the evening of October 31st.  I was dumbfounded!  But of course!  Why would not Satan take a beautiful night, a night when all of humanity had been given the most beautiful gift and take it and distort it, so that he would be lifted up and glorified and not Almighty God the Holy Father and his Son ― Jesus!

As each year passed, since this was disclosed to me, it seems that Halloween has become uglier and uglier and when I walk into a grocery store and see the displays and the paraphernalia that is sold; I am embarrassed for the sake of the Lord.  Now, the world as a whole seems to be rapidly spinning downward and turning into a dark, dark place.  It is for this reason that I am reaching out to you and I am begging you to please reconsider and do not continue in this practice anymore.  Please stop lifting up Satan in this paganistic manner and do not have anything to do with Halloween.  Please!



*This can be verified at:  


